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Use A Putting Line on Your Golf Ball to Save Strokes.

Writer: RJ DeCosteRJ DeCoste

Updated: Dec 8, 2021

OK, So you might think, how will a line help my putting, but hear me out because this could be a simple tip to really help you save strokes this season.

So, why would you do this?

Have you ever stepped behind you ball to line it up and try to decided where the break is? Of course you have, we all have. You try to determine your putting line and typically pick out a blade of grass, previous mark on the green, previous cut holes, etc.

It is also a good idea to look behind the ball, walk around and look at the line from the side and behind the hole. The one thing to consider is pace of play and not over thinking the line of your putt.

Once you have a line you believe is the proper line, it's time to address the ball.

Now that you are above the ball and in your address, you now eye up your target that you picked out and perform your putting stroke.


Have you ever added this one to the routine now and then....

You are about to make your stroke and you second guess your line once above the ball? This one happens a lot. We will come back to this in a minute.

OK, so moving on...

This is a pretty straight forward process for a lot of people aside from any other specifics you have in your routine. You make your stoke and you either hit the putt or you just missed or you second guessed your original line and changed it and likely missed (or made it).

So, now considering everything mentioned above, consider the following change to your putting routine and picking your line.

Using a ball marker line tool, mark a line on your golf ball.

The above image shows how I mark my ball. Versus just putting a black line, my identifier of my ball is the addition of cross hairs in red.

Once you mark your ball, here's how you change the above typical routine.

Do everything you feel you need to do to gauge your putting line, once you have a read of the line you believe to be correct, place your ball back on the green behind your marker and point the putting line to your target. So if it is a straight put, point the line to the center of the hole. If you think it is a left edge, point the line to the left edge, etc.

Now, when you begin your address routine, you will be standing above the ball with the putting line extending from your target to the center of your putting face making a T (The face of your putter and the line on the ball).

This allows you to make your stroke above the ball with no hesitation to your putting line. This will give you more confidence when putting and not second guess yourself.

As stated earlier, a lot of golfers often change their mind once they address the golf ball. Have you ever said, I should have hit my original line? I know you have.

Have more confidence in your line by training yourself to stick with your original line and follow through with ease once above your putt.

Also, you will get some great feedback on the roll of the ball as you can see the line rolling end over end. If it's not, you may have hit the heel or toe of your putter giving you instant feedback when viewing your line as the ball rolls to or away from the hole.

We hope this tip helps.

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